Short Breaks To Full Time Fostering: Everything You Need To Know

Barnardo's NI
We know potential foster carers consider fostering for a long time before they pick up the phone to us.
There's a lot to consider: what kind of foster carer do I want to be? How will it work for my lifestyle or family? What support networks will I need? Will I be able to work? What does the application process look like? What kind of support and training will I be given?
In this informal session, we will be talking with members of the fostering team and our foster carers to discuss the different types of fostering we offer, the application process and what fostering is really like from those who foster.
If you'd like to know more about fostering with Barnardo's, join us for this informative chat and Q&A - either at lunchtime or come to our evening session.
- Carers
- Children and families
- Young people
Date and Time
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230b Belmont Road
United Kingdom