Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop

Seek, Listen To & Act: Developing Participation Skills with Young People


National Children's Bureau

Cost: £96.00
graphic of people
Developing Participation Skills to work with Young People

Register your place now through Eventbrite.

NCB ensures that children and young people’s views and experiences guide every aspect of our work, helping us to inform policy and practice in order to bring about lasting change for children and young people, families and communities. We do this to fulfil our obligations for the promotion of the rights of all children and young people, recognising that young people are experts in their own lives and that their direct input into issues affecting them is critical in developing services which are fit for purpose.

NCB is pleased to offer you the opportunity to attend an online workshop to develop your own knowledge, skills and understanding of participation work with children and young people.

This interactive workshop will use a mixture of participatory methods to help participants develop their own participation skills.

The workshop aims to do the following:

• To enable participants to have a greater understanding of the meaning of participation and exploring the NCB model of participation.

• To help participants identify which skills are necessary to work with young people.

• To enable participants to identify challenges of working with young people and identify some strategies for overcoming these challenges.

• To assist participants in self-reflection of current practice within their organisations and learning from examples of good practice among the group

Participants will be given a resource pack to help further develop their own participation skills and those of their organisation.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

09:30– 12:00

Online using Zoom

Places are limited to Community/Voluntary and Public Sector and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any queries at all please email:

Colette Lydon

If you register and do not attend, your registration fee will not be refunded unless you give advance warning of at least 7 working days.

We may take recordings at this event and these may be used for publicity or other purposes. Please contact if you do not wish to be included.

We will send out workshop materials and Zoom joining details prior to the workshop.

  • Children and families
  • Young people

Date and Time

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61 Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom

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