Seek, Listen To & Act: Developing Participation Skills to work with Young People Workshop

National Children's Bureau

NCB is pleased to offer you the opportunity to attend a workshop to develop your own knowledge, skills and understanding of participation work with children and young people.
This interactive workshop will use a mixture of input, discussion and role play, to help participants develop their own participation skills.
The workshop aims to do the following:
• To enable participants to have a greater understanding of the meaning of participation and exploring the NCB model of participation.
• To help participants identify which skills are necessary to work with young people.
• To enable participants to identify challenges of working with young people and identify some strategies for over coming these challenges.
• To assist participants in self-reflection of current practice within their organisations and learning from examples of good practice among the group
Participants will be given a resource pack to help further develop their own participation skills and those of their organisation.
If you are unable to use Eventbrite and require invoicing separately, please note that a £20.00 administration charge will be incurred.
If you register and do not attend, your registration fee will not be refunded unless you give advance warning of at least 7 working days.
- Children and families
- Community development
- Education/training
- Young people
Date and Time
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NICVA 61 Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom