
Safeguarding Adults (Level 3): Designated Persons, Champions and Good Governance and Accountability

ARC NI Logo stating the organisation has been around since 199

Association for Real Change NI

Cost: ARC NI Members £110 | Non-Members £135
Blue person icon and two purple hands cupping the person in an upwards motion
This course is aimed towards individuals in a senior role within organisations that are new to the role of Adult Safeguarding Champion (ASC), Deputy ASC, or is the Designated Person.

Safeguarding Adults (Level 3): Designated Persons, Champions and Good Governance & Accountability (MMR)


For those individuals in a senior role within organisations and are NEW to the nominated role of Adult Safeguarding Champion (ASC), Deputy ASC or have delegated responsibilities (Designated Person).  This full day course is in two parts.



Part one is designed to increase participants knowledge and confidence in the role of a designated person in responding and reporting to adult safeguarding concerns.


By the end of the course learners will:

  • understand the roles and responsibilities of a designated person in responding to a safeguarding matter.
  • have knowledge of the Health and Social Care Trusts structures and processes for reporting, understand the roles of professionals involved and completion of the app1 forms.
  • explore use of alternative safeguarding measures and issues or concerns around implementing a course of action in relation to a safeguarding matter.



Part two explains the complexities, tensions & value requirements in adult safeguarding and explores how organisations and Champions embed good practice internally and demonstrate good accountability.


By the end of the course, learners will:

  • have knowledge of the requirements as outlined by the NI regional Safeguarding Policy & Operational Procedures
  • understand the role and responsibilities of an Adult Safeguarding Champion
  • considered governance and accountability measures required in safeguarding practice.
  • Disability
  • Education/training

Date and Time

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McSweeney place
Henry Place
ARC NI Office
BT15 2AY
United Kingdom

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More Information

All ARC NI member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. Your organisation’s nominated training coordinator will have access to the Training Portal to book training for staff. Please note, we will not accept booking forms from members.

We will continue to accept booking forms from our Health & Social Care Trust members (Belfast, Western, South-Eastern, and Northern). These can be submitted as usual to this email address. We aim to set up online booking for Trust members soon. To request a booking form, please contact me.


All non-member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. You will check out as a guest and be required to make immediate payment.

The link below will show you a step-by-step to booking online.