Online / Virtual Training/Advice

Safeguarding Adults and Children (Level 2)

ARC NI Logo stating the organisation has been around since 199

Association for Real Change NI

Cost: ARC NI Members £50 | Non-Members £70
three men and two women stand close together behind a shield that says "Safe Guarding."
This course aims to equip staff with the understanding of what safeguarding is and increase knowledge of roles and responsibilities in protection of adults and children.

Safeguarding Adults and Children (Level 2) (MMR)

This course aims to equip staff with the understanding of what safeguarding is and increase their knowledge of roles and responsibilities in the protection of adults and children.

The course content reflects NISCC Standards of Conduct 3: Promote the autonomy of service users while safeguarding them as far as possible from danger or harm, specifically 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 and RQIA Provider Guidance 2017/18 for Domiciliary Care, Nursing Homes, Adult Placement Agencies and Day Care Settings; specifically, ‘Is Care Safe’. Indicator: The service promotes and makes proper provision for the welfare, care and protection of service users. The course will also reflect the standards outline by RQIA in regard to risk enablement and safeguarding.

By the end of the course learners will:

  • explore the legal context in safeguarding adults at risk of harm and in need of protection
  • explore the legal context in safeguarding children
  • look at attitudes to disability
  • understand how to create a safe and inclusive environment
  • understand codes of behaviour for staff and volunteers
  • explore characteristics of different types of abuse
  • explore signs and symptoms of abuse
  • understand the procedures for reporting concerns
  • understand the procedures for whistleblowing.



  • Disability
  • Education/training

Date and Time

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McSweeney Place
Henry Place
Online via Zoom
BT15 2AY
United Kingdom

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More Information

All ARC NI member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. Your organisation’s nominated training coordinator will have access to the Training Portal to book training for staff. Please note, we will not accept booking forms from members.

We will continue to accept booking forms from our Health & Social Care Trust members (Belfast, Western, South-Eastern, and Northern). These can be submitted as usual to this email address. We aim to set up online booking for Trust members soon. To request a booking form, please contact me.


All non-member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. You will check out as a guest and be required to make immediate payment.

The link below will show you a step-by-step to booking online.