'Reversing the Trend': See the Employee, Not the Sight Loss

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)
See the person, not the sight loss
Incredible advances in mainstream and assistive technology have enabled people with sight loss to work effectively alongside their peers, and there has been a huge push on creating an inclusive and diverse workforce in recent years. Yet the number of blind and partially sighted people in work has not increased in a generation.
Less blind and partially sighted people are in employment now than 15 years ago – from 1 in 3 in 2005, to now 1 in 4.
RNIB (the Royal National Institute of Blind people) want to work with key individuals and organisations to change this and looks forward to welcoming you to the launch of a vital piece of research undertaken by the University of Birmingham, funded by the Community Renewal Fund, that explores why this is happening.
As well as looking at the barriers, we want offer solutions that will change the above statistic as well as the employment landscape for blind and partially sighted young people making the transition from education into the workplace.
We want to improve access to employment for the 57,400 people with sight loss in Northern Ireland – like confident and ambitious 18-year-old Georgia, who often feels underestimated.
Georgia says:
“I’ve been registered blind since I was three-years-old. A barrier I have faced throughout my life has been the assumption that I cannot do things, without being given a chance to try. I am a lot more capable than many would assume because I’m willing to work hard and I want to learn.”
Sight is a spectrum. Everyone sees differently
We want to increase understanding of how with a change in public attitudes and some simple adjustments, blind and partially sighted people can work effectively in a wide variety of roles, up to the highest level of management.
Richard Moore, from Derry/Londonderry, is CEO of self-started international children’s peace and reconciliation charity ‘Children in Crossfire’ that has now helped over 25,000 children in poverty.
At ten-years-old, during the early 70s, Richard was blinded by a rubber bullet. Richard will share his powerful story with attendees.
Will you join us?
This event may be of interest to you if you are working within employment, including supported employment initiatives and student support, recruitment, careers advice, etc.
You're also extremely welcome to attend if you simply want to find out more about the issues facing people who are blind or partially sighted when trying to gain and maintain employment, including if you have lived experience in this area.
What to expect on the day:
- Dr Rachel Hewett will present findings from our ‘Eye Work With You Too’ employment research into barriers to employment and future recommendations (undertaken by the University of Birmingham, funded by the Community Renewal Fund).
- Key speakers – Georgia Hussey (young person with sight loss) and Richard Moore (CEO Children in Crossfire)
- Accessible technology in the workplace demonstration
- How RNIB can support you as an employer
- An employer's experience of hiring a person with sight loss
- Afternoon tea-inspired lunch, and roundtable discussion
- Open panel of speakers and experts for any remaining questions you may have.
Please note, registration for this event is essential. Please register on Eventbrite using this link: 'Reversing the Trend': See the employee, not the sight loss Tickets, Thu 24 Nov 2022 at 12:30 | Eventbrite
- Advice services
- Community development
- Disability
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
- Lobbying/policy
- Young people
Date and Time
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Belfast City Hall
United Kingdom
Contact Details
If you have a question about the event, please contact rosalie.edge@rnib.org.uk
The research was conducted by University of Birmingham as part of a project funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund