
Reflections on Belfast/Good Friday Agreement: Seminar Series Programme. Wednesday 31 May 2023 Seminar 4 - Reflections on Belfast/Good Friday Agreement & The Economy

Northern Ireland Assembly RaISe

NI Assembly RaISe

This is a free event
Get ready to immerse yourself in a thought-provoking seminar series as we reflect on the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement's 25th anniversary. The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, along with the Assembly’s Research and Information Service (RaISe) and local universities, will lead the discussions. Our academic presenters will share insights from their areas of expertise and explore key themes, including power-sharing, the economy, reconciliation, rights, and gender. After each presentation, we'll open the floor to discussion. These seminars are open to everyone, so secure your seat as soon as possible. The series will run from the end of April through early June 2023 on specified Wednesdays, starting at 1:30pm. We'll be hosting the events in the Senate Chamber of Parliament Buildings, located on Stormont Estate. Please be aware that Parliament Buildings is a public building, and there may be photography, filming, and recording in its public spaces. Don't worry; we'll be recording all the presentations, but not the group discussions. If you prefer to sit away from the camera, just let us know. Free parking is available, but make sure you give yourself enough time to walk from the car park and pass through Assembly Security before entering Parliament Buildings. We're committed to fulfilling our responsibilities to those with special needs, including wheelchair accessibility. Please let us know if you have any specific requirements when registering. To secure your spot at these insightful seminars, please register at [email protected].

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Seminar 4 - Reflections on Belfast/Good Friday Agreement & The Economy

1.30pm Registration

1.45pm Welcome & Housekeeping – Chris Rothwell, RaISe

1.50pm “A 1998 Analysis for the Assembly’s Economic Agenda: looking back, with a view to the future”– Professor Esmond Birnie, Ulster University

This presentation provides a retrospective assessment of an article published in 1998, which outlined a potential economic agenda for the then new Northern Ireland Assembly (Esmond Birnie and David Hitchens, “An economic agenda for the Northern Ireland Assembly”, Regional Studies, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 769-87). From a present day perspective, it examines key issues, including: was peace a sufficient condition for economic upsurge? And, how far was there a toxic trade-off with respect to environmental policy? As well as considering planning policy and competitiveness policy? And looking ahead, it concludes with some “forecasting” for the next 25 years.

2:10pm “The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement at 25: has there been a peace dividend for the economy in Northern Ireland?” - Dr Graham Brownlow, Queen’s University Belfast

The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement ended a three decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland. This presentation examines how peace has brought some economic improvements, including lower unemployment, higher wages for low earners and new industries arriving. But it also highlights how progress in other areas – particularly productivity – has been limited. 

2.30pm Discussion/Question & Answer

3.15pm Closing Remarks Chris Rothwell, RaISe

3:20pm Refreshments & Networking

3.40pm Close

Date and Time

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