Outdoor Activity
Race to Recovery 2020
Addiction NI
10k: £20 (£15 discounted price for members of running clubs) 3k: £5

We are so excited to announce that registration is now open for our annual Race to Recovery, which will take place in Ormeau Park on Sunday 8th of March.
2020 marks our 8th year of the race, which focuses on the positive outcomes for the thousands of people embarking on the road to recovery. Each year our participants range from those who have used running as part of their own recovery, to people with personal experience of addiction among their family and friends, as well as those who welcome the opportunity to get active and champion an important cause.
Cost: £20 (£15 discounted price for members of running clubs)
The 10K run is time chipped and suitable for dedicated runners or those looking for a challenge. New to running and looking to get fit after the festive period? Why not set our 10k run as your fitness target? Feeling competitive? There will be trophies for 1st-3rd place for men and women. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Cost: £5
Our 3k fun run is perfect for a family day out. Canine participation encouraged! Whatever the weather, Fitness Freddy will get you in the zone with his warm up prerace. There will also be trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Under 9s must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
You can register now by clicking here.
On the Day
8.30am – Registration and race pack collection (The Ozone)
10am - Warm Up (Tennis Courts)
10.30am – 10k
10.40am – 3k
Coat Marquee
This year runners will be able to leave their coats near the start/finish line, at our marquee in the tennis courts.
Route Maps
The routes will be clearly sign posted on the day and our stewards will be on hand to keep you right at key points throughout the course. You can access route maps of both the 10k and 3k under 'Files' on the right hand side.
All of the money raised through the race goes directly into the provision of Addiction NI’s services. Last year alone saw Addiction NI deliver over 4500 hours of counselling. You can read more about the work of Addiction NI here.
We are delighted to once again have the support of iCare Charity who will be sponsoring both our limited edition Race to Recovery 2020 merchandise and medals which will be available for all participants.
Last year marked 40 years of Addiction NI and demand for these services continues to grow. Register now and help us make this the largest year ever!
- Health and wellbeing