QA Level 3 Award in Education and Training (RQF)

CoG Training
This training will take place on Monday evenings 6:30pm from Monday 9th May 2022.
The QA Level 3 Award in Education and Training (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification, specifically designed to be an introduction to teaching for those who work or would like to work in the further education and skills sector.
Over a 10 Weeks, candidates will build an understanding of the specific roles and responsibilities related to planning, delivering and reviewing inclusive training sessions. Topics covered include: maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment, ways to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment, assessing learners and providing constructive and developmental feedback.
Successful candidates will leave with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to prepare them for teaching in a wide range of contexts, in environments such as Further Education (FE) Colleges, Local Authorities or independent training.
What's Covered?
- Roles and responsibilities in education and training
- Ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment
- Relationships between teachers and other professionals
- Boundaries between the teaching role and other professionals
- Points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners
- Inclusive teaching, including:
• Ways to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment
• Creating an inclusive teaching and learning plan
• Justifying own selection of teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods in relation to individual learner needs
• Delivering inclusive teaching and learning to meet
individual needs
• Evaluating the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning including areas for improvement
• Using teaching and learning approaches to meet
learner needs
• Communicating with learners in a way that meets their needs
Understanding assessment in education and training
• Different methods of assessment and how they can be adapted to meet individual learner needs
• How to involve learners and others in the assessment process
• The role and use of constructive feedback
• Record keeping of assessments
- Advice services
- Arts
- Carers
- Children and families
- Community development
- Community relations
- Disability
- Education/training
- Environment and Built Heritage
- Health and wellbeing
- Housing and homelessness
- Lobbying/policy
- Men
- Older people
- Race/ethnicity
- Rural development
- Sport/recreation
- Transport
- Volunteer development
- Women
- Young people
Date and Time
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225 Conway Street
BT13 2DE
United Kingdom
More Information