
Peace Building Summer School Armagh 2020

Diversity Challenges

Diversity Challenges

This is a free event
Peace Building Summer School based in Amragh supported by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Reconciliation Fund will provide a unique opportunity for those working on peace-building and reconciliation across Ireland to learn of the impact of the conflict on a rural border community, learn of local actions that have built the present more peaceful society, explore the lasting issues of conflict. The forum of speakers, participants from differing backgrounds will provide an opportunity for networking and learning from the experiences thus assisting in your own peace-building work and obtain an OCN Level III qualification

The program for the 2020 Peace Building Summer School is being designed. It will be non-residential and will take place over a number of sessions in May-July 2020. there will be a mixture of evening sessions and Saturdays.

It will provide a unique opportunity for those working on peace-building and reconciliation across Ireland to learn of the impact of the conflict on a rural border community, learn of local actions that have built the present more peaceful society, explore the lasting issues of conflict. The forum of speakers, participants from differing backgrounds will provide an opportunity for networking and learning from the experiences thus assisting in your own peace-building work

  • Learn of the origins of the conflict reviewing key events from Partition to Civil Rights to Violence, the Peace Process, Reforms and Agreements and thus develop an understanding of the origins of the conflict and the process.
  • Learn of the impact of the conflict on a border community both urban and rural
  • Learn of the continuing issues of division including parades/flags/ paramilitaries and dealing with the past and potential impact of Brexit on Border Communities, hearing from those from differing backgrounds.
  • Learn through visits and workshop from local groups  about ways peace-builders have tried to resolve conflict to lead to a more peaceful society. Use of the arts, dialogue, oral history and other techniques to explore difficult issues in a safe and reconciling way. What has worked and what the barriers are.
  • Explore current issues of the views of those from young people and minorities for example ethnic and LGBTQI and examine ways to develop a more inclusive society
  • Interact with the other participants, local activists, and with the tutors, speakers and groups learning from their experience and giving support and learning to others.
  • Participants  can undertake accredited learning through Open College Network course on Peace Building specifically designed for the school

If you wish to apply to attend the Summer School

send email to: [email protected]

Tell us:

  • something about yourself
  • why you wish to take part in the summer School
  • how attendance will help you

to be received by 5.00pm 1st April 2020. (Unfortunately, late applications cannot not be considered) Places are limited, so this is a competitive process. Applicants judged by the organisers to have the potential to contribute most to peace-building outcomes will be selected.


Link to Draft program for 2020

  • Community relations

Date and Time

  • -


31 Bessbrook Road Markethill
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Will Glendinning Coordinator Diversity Challenges

Department Foreign Affairs and Trade Reconciliation Fund

Department Foreign Affairs and Trade