Opportunity – Short courses in Leadership, Coaching and Social Model for Health and Wellbeing in Primary and Community Care

Eastern GP Federation Support Unit
These courses will build upon the applicant’s strategic leadership skills and will increase their knowledge of the social model of health as a driver for change in health and social care with an introduction to services such as social prescribing. They will learn about community based solutions to reduce health inequalities, develop skills in coaching such as motivational interviewing techniques and increase their knowledge and expertise on how to evaluate specific health interventions.
Each course can be taken on a stand alone basis or combined to obtain a certificate in Professional Development for Primary Health Care.
If you would like to find out more or speak to past participants who availed of this opportunity please contact pgoffice.smdb@qub.ac.uk
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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Queens University
United Kingdom
More Information
Information session
If you would like to find out more about the short courses and how to apply, please join us at our virtual Information session which will take place on 23 June 13:00-14:00 pm