Online / Virtual

Online Talks of Clifton House

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Clifton House

Cost: £5 per device.
Clifton Street Cemetery
This month (June), Clifton House will be moving their unique Friday tours online, allowing you to find out more about life in the Poor House, or the stories surrounding some of those buried in Clifton Graveyard. Every week will be a different topic.

The three remaining talks are now available on a limited ‘bulk’ ticket available only until 12th June 2020 (£15).  Purchase by clicking here:


In Life and Death - Clifton Street Cemetery
Friday 12th June 1 – 2pm. £5 per device

Clifton Street Cemetery is the final resting place of reformers and radicals including Mary Ann & William Drennan. Poets and artists, American slaves and wealthy families are all buried here, alongside one of the largest famine graveyards in Ireland. This virtual live talk will be facilitated by our knowledgeable staff and volunteers using Zoom. Numbers for these hour-long sessions will be limited to 30, to allow for Q&A sessions at the end.  The Meeting ID to join the online tour will be sent out the morning of the talk.

Purchase tickets here:


Plots & Plotters: Belfast Charitable Society & the 1798 Rebellion
19th June 1-2pm, £5 per device


This talk will examine the 1798 Rebellion through some of the individuals associated with Clifton House and Belfast Charitable Society. These reformers & rebels made the Belfast Charitable Society a “hotbed of radical activity” in the 1790s. Hear about the Joys, McCrackens, McCabe & Cunningham who were on opposing sides of the 1798 Rebellion & how the Charitable Society emerged from it. We will also look at some of those individuals associated with this period who are buried in Clifton Street Cemetery.

This virtual live talk will be facilitated by our knowledgeable staff and volunteers using Zoom.  Numbers for these hour-long sessions will be limited to 30, to allow for Q&A sessions at the end.  The Meeting ID to join the online tour will be sent out the morning of the talk.

Purchase your ticket here:


The Bigger Family Picture: From 1798 to Partition
Friday 26th June, 1 – 2pm, £5 per ticket

The Bigger family of Mallusk and Belfast have a long association with both the Belfast Charitable Society and North Belfast. Explore this remarkable family through some of the family’s most interesting personalities including the noted antiquarian Francis Joseph Bigger.

This virtual live talk will be facilitated by our knowledgeable staff and volunteers using Zoom.  Numbers for these hour-long sessions will be limited to 30, to allow for Q&A sessions at the end.  The Meeting ID to join the online tour will be sent out the morning of the talk.

Purchase your ticket here:

  • history
  • Belfast history
  • heritage

Date and Time

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Clifton House
BT15 1ES
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Tour's will be delivered via Zoom. Please ensure you enter a valid email address at checkout so we can email it to you the morning of the event. 

Clifton House is currently closed, however please email if you have any issues on the day.