Northern Ireland Frontline Network

Homeless Connect

The Northern Ireland Frontline Network, facilitated by Homeless Connect, will provide regular opportunities to bring together frontline staff working with people experiencing homelessness to network, share expertise and best practice, and link to decision makers to influence change.
Join us for our first event to find out more about the network and how we can best support you. We want you to tell us what you need and how we can work together to create this change.
We are delighted to welcome Dorothy Bulmer and Elaine Hoey who will provide an overview of Trauma and Resilience for a better understanding of a person’s reactions to traumatic experiences and the benefits of being more resilient. These sessions will give you a taster of how the Northern Ireland Frontline Network can provide you with the training that you need.
Throughout the event we will be asking you for what topics you would like at future events.
To register your place visit:
At each event we will be talking about issues affecting the sector’s workforce, including pay, recognition, recruitment and retention, training, qualifications, psychological support, but ultimately it is up to you what we tackle.
It is free to join the Northern Ireland Frontline Network. To find out more and to join, visit:
- Housing and homelessness