
Member £150 / Associate £160 / Non-Member £190

NIFHA'S 2018 Finance Conference takes place Wednesday, 5th December, in the Welllington Park Hotel, Belfast.
This year's event will address the key issues impacting on the Finance & Treasury teams across the housing association network.
It's promising to be another packed event with plenty of lively debate and an excellent networking opportunity.
The programme will include a range of plenary and break-out sessions with speakers from local and further afield that are specialists in their field with a strong social housing background. The conference will offer excellent opportunities to share experiences and ideas and to network with the key financial influencers within the social housing sector.
Here's a taste of what's on offer:
- Outlook for the economy and for the sector
- Financial review and outlook - Neil Gibson, Chief Economist, Ernst & Young
- Presentation of sector Global Accounts - Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Getting your finances lined up for future challenging times
- The impacts of welfare reform on the finances of social tenants and their landlords - Emma Owens, Head of Customer Accounts, Curo Housing
- How robust and accurate financial reporting has been crucial to effective management: a UK example, Michael Newey, Chief Executive, Broadland Housing
- Financial modelling - how to make this work for you
- Sector scorecards, KPIs and VFM statements: their value and use
- The value in measuring performance
- Putting VFM in the driving seat
- The UK Sector Scorecard: observations for Northern Ireland - John Wickenden, Research Manager, Housemark
- Property Portfolio diversification: rent, part buy, property sales … where next?
- The challenges in setting rent & service charges in social housing - Nicola McCrudden, Senior Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell
- A fresh response to changing demands in housing - Maple & May
- How mixing rental and co-ownership developments can work - Mark Graham, Chief Executive, Co-Ownership
- Lenders Panel: let’s talk with the bankers
- Discussion and Q&A with Danske Bank, Ulster Bank, Barclays Bank, UCIT & Charity Bank – what are banks looking for? what are their respective offers and what do borrowers need to bring to the able?
- Being financially astute in uncertain times
- Is your business plan stress tested to take the stress out of our financial planning?
- How is the credit worthiness of NI Housing Associations impacting on growth? - Pete Redman, Managing Director, Traderisks
- Financing Options: the traditional and the new funding methods
- What are the borrowing options for housing associations?
- The new appetites from equity funders and institutional investors in social housing assets - Addleshaw Goddard
- Making the most of cashflow capacity
- Community development
- Housing and homelessness
- Rural development
Date and Time
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Wellington Park Hotel
21 Malone Road
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Event Booking
6c Citylink Business Park
Albert Street
Belfast BT122 4HQ