NI Human Rights Commission Strategic Planning Consultation - Derry/Londonderry

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

The Commission is beginning work to produce the priorities for its strategic plan for 2019-2022.
As a result, we would like to invite you or a colleague to a roundtable discussion on carrying our work forward.
On 8 November the half day will commence with a round-table discussion facilitated by Helen Ferguson, one of the NIHRC Commissioners. The Chief Commissioner and staff will also be in attendance. The event will finish with a sandwich lunch.
The event will take place in:
HOLYWELL - DiverseCity Community Partnership | 10-14 Bishop Street | Derry/Londonderry | BT48 6PW
We want to ensure the views of our external stakeholders are heard as we plan for the future.
Register: To register for this event please visit our Eventbrite page:
If you can't make it to the event, you can still send us your feedback and thoughts to:
For more information on our Strategic Planning Consultation please visit our website here.
- Carers
- Children and families
- Community relations
- Disability
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
- Housing and homelessness
- Men
- Older people
- Race/ethnicity
- Women
- Young people