
The Need to Talk Project Closing Celebration

rnib logo - see differently

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)

this is an image of an older lady talking and smiling on the phone
You are invited to join us for the closing celebration of the Need to Talk Project. Launched in 2017, the Need to Talk project is coming to a close. RNIB and NCBI (National Council of Blind Ireland) want to invite those who helped deliver the project, fund the project and who took part in the project, to come together to look at the highlights and success of the initiative and to celebrate its legacy. The event will take place on Thursday, 28 September in the Clayton Hotel, Belfast. Starting at 11am, speakers will include representatives of the project, as well as participants and recipients of the Need to Talk counselling and confidence building courses. The event will conclude at 1pm with lunch. We would like to welcome as many Need to Talk participants as we can; people who availed of the counselling service or took part in the many Living Well With Sight Loss courses. We would also like to invite anyone with an interest in mental health and counselling.

As the Need to Talk projects ends, RNIB and NCBI want to invite those who helped deliver the project, fund the project and who took part in the project, to come together to look at the highlights and success of the initiative and to celebrate its legacy.

The Need to Talk project supported adults and young people over the age of eleven who were blind or partially sighted, and anyone who supported a person with sight loss, to face the future with confidence.

The project was a cross border counselling and confidence building project, delivered through a partnership between RNIB in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and Fighting Blindness in the Republic of Ireland, initially, which was later delivered by NCBI.
The €1.8million project was funded by the European Union's INTERREG VA Programme, managed Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) - European Funding.

Please share this invitation with anyone you know of who you think would enjoy coming along to celebrate the success of this project.

  • Disability
  • Health and wellbeing
  • blind
  • RNIB
  • NCBI
  • confidence
  • mental health support
  • seupb
  • positive mental health
  • Mental Health programmes
  • 'counselling'

Date and Time

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