Money Guiders Wellbeing Workshop

Money Guiders NI Network
Money Guiders Network NI provide a range of information, support and networking opportunities to its members who themselves are involved in frontline money guidance services.
The impact of the pandemic has had far reaching consequences across our communities. Added to this is the ongoing change and uncertainty associated with cost of living, political instability and widening health inequality gaps. The demand for services from network members is likely to increase after the summer break, into the busy period in the run up to Christmas.
An interactive workshop covering the following:
• Reflection – space to reflect on learning from covid, peer support, celebrate achievement
• Recognition – stressors, mindset, mind/body connections
• Resilience – tips to build, tackling toxic positivity
• Restoring Balance – self care in practice including short guided meditation
• Content developed within the latest evidence base
• Delivery via presentation and can include breakout activity
• Up-to-date links/resource references provided
• Content focused on improving knowledge, awareness, confidence and engagement
• Content focused on reducing stigma, stress levels, barriers to information/engagement
- Advice services
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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