Masterclass Trauma Studies Post Graduate, University College Cork Tuesday 7pm via ZOOM

Wave Trauma Centre
We have two amazing contributors - Prof Monica McWilliams will bring such a wealth of experience to the conversation given her work on domestic violence, her international work on human rights and peace engagement and her more recent work in NI focused on ending paramilitarism.
Prof Monica McWilliams is a Northern Irish academic, peace activist, human rights defender and former politician. She currently sits on the Independent Reporting Commission for the disbandment of paramilitary organisations in Northern Ireland.
Dr Orla Lynch’s current research focuses on victimisation and political violence in relation to the direct victims of violence, but also the broader psycho-social impact of victimisation and the perpetrator-victim complex. Orla has also examined the notion of suspect communities in relation to the impact of counter terrorism measures on Muslim youth communities.
Dr Orla Lynch is currently a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Asc. Dean of Graduates Studies at University College Cork, Ireland. She is also Academic Lead on Priority Six of the Academic Strategy and the Programme Director of the PG Dip in Trauma Studies (online).
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