Managing finances in uncertain times and the options for sustainability


This seminar is aimed at trustees and senior staff to help them improve financial planning so that they can make the right decisions during this crisis but also to consider ways in which they may sustain their services for the future.
Dr Rosemary Peters Gallagher, Partner, Moore (NI) LLP, will explain how to use financial tools effectively including cashflow projections, budgets and scenario planning so that Trustees have the right information to make the appropriate decisions.
Organisations may have to change the way in which they operate, which may involve collaborating or merging with others. Jenny Ebbage, Partner, Edwards & Co Solicitors, will take us through the key considerations when thinking about merging with another organisation.
Book your free place here
This webinar is part of the Community Foundation for NI Accelerator Programme, funded by DfC. The Accelerator Programme aims to improve the skills and confidence of people in our sector and strengthen organisations at this critical time.
NICVA is delivering a series of webinars from September 2020 to March 2021, for more information visit
Date and Time
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This webinar is part of the Community Foundation for NI Accelerator Programme, funded by DfC.