Level 3 Food Allergen Management For Caterers

Trainsafe UK

What is the Course?
Level 3 Award in Food Allergen Management for Caterers
As a Training Organisation, This course leads to certification in the HABC Level 3 Award in Food Allergen Management for Caterers.
What can I do once I complete the Course?
This Course will allow you to effectively manage allergens in a catering operation and assist you in complying with obligations under the Food Information for Consumers Regulations which took effect on 13th December 2014.
How long does the Course take?
The Course takes around 8 hours in total. It is normally delivered over 1 day.
There is a small amount work to complete prior to attending this Course.
How do I book onto the Course?
You can book your place online or contact us on 07935 095 390
You can also email us at trainsafeuk@gmail.com
If you're in a hurry you can complete an online course.
Is there a test at the end of the Course?
This Course is assessed by completion of a Workbook.
Where is the Course held?
We come to Your Premises.
How is the Course delivered? What will I learn?
The Course is very interactive and you will be supplied with all materials. You will learn about allergens, cross contamination, labelling and comunication requirements.
You can download the Qualification Specification at the bottom of this page which will detail all of the course content.
Who is the Course for?
This is an essential course for anyone who wants to learn more about food allergens, their control and the legal implications.
We strongly recommend that Learners hold at least a Level 2 Food Safety Certificate prior to completion.
- Community development
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
- Men
- Older people
- Women
- Young people