
LEGAL RIGHTS FOR CHILDREN 02 – Protecting the Voice of the Child

childrens law centre

Children's Law Centre

Cost: Voluntary CLC Member: £38 Voluntary Non-member: £45 Community, Parent, Carer, Student, Pupil: £18
This is hybrid training of proven use to anyone working for, with or on behalf on children and young people.

Lawyers, and those working and supporting children, accept that children are experts on their own lives: that children are a vital source of information and instruction. The child friendly lawyer understands the additional complexities when representing children, such as:  differing levels of verbal skills and capacity, evolving capacity and diminished capacity, conflict with adult opinions, power dynamics, and fear and trauma. This seminar sets out practical ways to protect the voice of the child during legal proceedings, best practice in assessing capacity and a review of case law of voice of the child in child-care proceedings.

It will be delivered by

Timothy Ritchie, BL

Eamonn McNally, Mental Health Solicitor, CLC.

Emma Rose Duffy, Solicitor, CLC

Katie Mercer, Trainee Solicitor, CLC

Click here for tickets for this event

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  • Carers
  • Children and families
  • Education/training
  • Young people

Date and Time

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127-131 Ormeau Road
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Paul Hamilton