
Leadership - 1 Day Class

Trainsafe UK Training

Trainsafe UK

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Leadership - Training Class

What is the Course?

Leadership - 1 Day Certificate of Completion.

What can I do once I complete the Course?

This Course will allow you to be an effective Leader.

How long does the Course take?

The Course takes around 6 hours in total. It is normally delivered over 1 day or 2 evenings.

How do I book onto the Course?

You can book your place on our Website or Contact us on 07935 095 390

You can also email us at

Is there a test at the end of the Course?

You will complete practical exercises throughout the Course.

How is the Course delivered? What will I learn?

The Course is very interactive and you will be supplied with all materials. By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the role of a Leader in an organisation
  • Discuss why effective leadership is important in an organisation
  • Identify occasions when a Leader is of most importance in an organisation
  • Compare and contrast qualities of leaders
  • Discuss the importance of motivation in leadership
  • Discuss key Leadership theories
  • Evaluate your current leadership style
  • Describe the difference between empowerment and delegation
  • Discuss when delegation is required Discuss when empowerment is used

Who is the Course for?

This course is designed for those who are leaders within their Organisation.

Where is the Course held?

We come to Your Premises and deliver the training.

  • Education/training
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Men
  • Volunteer development
  • Women
  • Young people
  • Trainsafeuk
  • job
  • staff
  • Education
  • employers
  • employees
  • health and safety
  • management

Date and Time

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BT67 0DS
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