Launch Event: Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Report for NI

British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, lung disease, and liver disease, are the leading causes of death and disability in Northern Ireland. In 2020, NCDs were responsible for over 14,000 deaths in Northern Ireland - that's more than 4 in every 5 deaths.
As research progresses, we are understanding that many of these deaths and lost years of healthy life could be prevented through public health action to address NCD risk factors - such as, reducing the number of people who smoke, population levels of overweight and obesity, and how much alcohol people drink.
That's why, eight charities dedicated to addressing NCDs and their risk factors, have come together to set out our collective recommendations for the next Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive. We are calling on all political parties, ahead of the next Northern Ireland Assembly elections, to commit to taking bold action on NCDs.
The report focuses on the commercial determinants of health and supporting people to live healthier lives by tackling health-harming products. Our fourteen recommendations for action on tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy food and drink, cover the topics of 'Strategies & Targets', 'Availability', 'Marketing', 'Pricing & Promotion', and 'Treatment Services'.
4.00pm: Welcome from the Chair - Mark Devenport, political journalist
4.05pm: Address from Health Minister, Robin Swann MLA
4.15pm: Summary of report recommendations
4.25pm: Panel discussion with elected representatives
5.00pm: Q&A
5.30pm: Close
Those registered on Eventbrite will be emailed a PDF version of the report.
- Health and wellbeing
- Lobbying/policy
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