
Involving Volunteers during COVID 19 with Volunteer Now (Free webinar)



This is a free event
There have been lots of organisations recruiting new volunteers and using existing volunteers to deliver new services, as well as individuals who have been volunteering to help during the Covid crisis.

During this session your will get important advice, information and additional publications that will ensure your organisation is involving volunteers in line with best practice Volunteer Management and Safeguarding regulations.

George Gillespie from Volunteer Now will be facilitating this session. Volunteer Now is the lead organisation for promoting and supporting volunteering across Northern Ireland and providing support on involving volunteers, governance and safeguarding.

Who is Eligible

The training is only open to groups and individuals working in The Mount and Ballymacarrett areas of East Belfast.  If you are a group in these areas or would like further information on Communities in Transition please get in touch with Susan Glass, Project Coordinator

Book Your Place Here

View our other upcoming free training for those in East Belfast here.


  • nicva training
  • webinar
  • Volunteer Now
  • volunteers

Date and Time

  • -

Contact Details

Susan Glass

More Information

Full details and book your place here: