
An Introduction to Community Farming

Co-operative Alternatives

Co-operative Alternatives

This is a free event
Are you involved with a community group and have an interest in finding out more about farming? Or, are you a farmer interested in finding out more about working with the community?

This event may be of interest - Jubilee Community Farm, just outside Glynn, Co. Antrim with Co-operative Alternatives will hold a free 6-part training course from Tues 20 April to Tues 25 May. Also includes a farm visit Covid restrictions allowing.

This course consists of four online session on key aspects of community farming, a study visit to the very first community farm in Northern Ireland, Jubilee Farm, and a great opportunity to learn from your peers and two experienced trainers, Jonny and Tiziana.

The course has been funded by the Co-op Foundation and entirely free to the participants. Places are limited, so if you are interested 
and want further information, please request an interest form dedline 31st March 2021.



Date and Time

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Co-operative Alternatives and Jubilee Farm
BT40 3JY
United Kingdom

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Co-op Foundation