Intermediate Care

Patient and Client Council
Intermediate Care is a range of integrated services that promote faster recovery from illness, prevent unnecessary acute hospital admission and premature admission to long term care, support timely discharge from hospital and maximise independent living. This includes Crisis Response (Acute Care at Home / Enhanced Care at Home), Bed-based Intermediate Care, Home based Intermediate Care and Reablement services. This project is about moving to one consistent model across NI ensuring equity across the region. As part of that process we are keen to hear about your experiences of these services to enhance what we have already heard. The Patient and Client Council would like to hear the experiences of the public (service users and carers) in relation to Intermediate Care services across Northern Ireland.
- Monday 17th January 2022, 10am
- Tuesday 18th January 2022, 2pm
- Wednesday 19th January 2022, 6.30pm
Date and Time
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5th Floor
14-16 Great Victoria Street
United Kingdom