Interactive Online Dementia Training

Engage With Age

This interactive training features specially made videos from experts, opportunities to interact, and free resources. Learn how to make homes, managing money, and getting out and about more dementia friendly.
Feedback to the training has been terrific:
“So many tips on basic changes”
“Very worthwhile session. Excellent”
"Great videos and visuals" "very informative"
To view the training advert on Youtube click here:
Please book direct on:
and please encourage anyone you know who you think may benefit from this to attend.
This training is suitable for carers, family and friends, and anyone who would provide a service for anyone affected by dementia, such as someone who runs a shop or a business. The training lasts two hours.
- Carers
- Older people
Date and Time
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Dementia Friendly East Belfast, C/o Engage with Age, East Belfast Network Centre
55 Templemore Avenue
United Kingdom
More Information
To book click here:
To view the training advert on Youtube click here: