Information session on COVID 19 Charities Fund (Phase 2)

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has announced a second phase of the Covid-19 Charities Fund, will open on 6 January 2021. £11.7 million is available to provide financial support to charities that have lost income due to Covid-19 and are unable to cover unavoidable costs between 1 Oct-31 Mar 2021.
This webinar on 16 December at 2.30pm is for all those considering applying for the Charities Fund (phase 2). It will give you an overview of the fund, who is eligible, what documentation is required, what questions you have to answer and the financial information required. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
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Covid-19 Charities Fund applications can be submitted from 6 January 2021 to 22 January 2021. Applicants can log onto the Community Finance Ireland website from December 14 to start preparing their paperwork and co-ordinate the information required in advance of the January submission deadline.
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