Information Governance and Cyber Security (CFNI)

This is an online webinar and the link will be sent to those who book the day before the event.
We are delighted to have a range of experts with us to share their knowledge and experience in this field for this one and a half hour webinar.
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- Joe Dolan, Head of NI Cyber Security Centre (NICSC)
- Caroline Mooney, Regional manager NI Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
- Representative from National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
- Stephen Gray, Head of Information management NICVA
• Introductions and overview - NICVA
• Why cyber security should be on the radar - NICSC
• Cyber security and the law - ICO
• Small Charities guide - NCSC
• Practicalities – what does this really mean? - NICVA
• Q and A
Accelerator programme
This webinar is part of the Community Foundation for NI Accelerator Programme, funded by DfC. The Accelerator Programme aims to improve the skills and confidence of people in our sector and strengthen organisations at this critical time.
NICVA is delivering a series of webinars from September 2020 to March 2021, for more information click here
Get Safe Online Global24
This event is also part of the Get Safe Online Global24, a unique, international collaboration organised by Get Safe Online. It is providing local activities targeted at communities and organisation, around the core theme of online safety. Every hour for 24 hours, Get Safe Online team members and country partners will be working in a closely co-ordinated effort to help provide free, practical, unbiased advice aimed at protecting people from online harms such as fraud, identity theft and various kinds of abuse. NICVA, ICO, NISCS and NCSC are pleased to work collaboratively as part of this initiative.
Date and Time
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61 Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom
Contact Details
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