Online / Virtual Training/Advice

Immigration Options for Migrant Survivors of Domestic Violence

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Law Centre NI

Cost: £30
Immigration Options for Migrant Survivors of Domestic Violence
This course is aimed at generalist welfare advisers as well as at staff and volunteers who work in the women’s sector or migrant and refugee support sector. It is a practical session and aims to equip you to identify migrants who may benefit from the new rules and to make prompt referrals for immigration advice. This course will be delivered by one of LCNI’s expert immigration advisers.

Domestic abuse can create particular difficulties for migrants who are dependent on their partner’s visa: they risk becoming subject to immigration enforcement and often cannot access mainstream support or social security. This creates a trap. Thankfully, immigration law contains some options for migrant victims and survivors to secure status in their own right. Recent positive changes to the law have expanded the categories of migrants who may benefit.

  • Advice services
  • domestic abuse
  • adviser training

Date and Time

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West Gate House
2-4 Queen Street
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Kristy Duff, Professional Learning and Training Officer