Online / Virtual Training/Advice

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

CO3 Chief Officers 3rd Sector

CO3 Chief Officers 3rd Sector

Cost: £300 for CO3 members (inclusive of £225 ILM Accreditation on successful application) £500 for non-CO3 members (inclusive of £225 ILM Accreditation on successful application)
Please note this course is for leaders in the third sector only. Contact us if you are unsure if this is you. Coaching Leaders are focused on bringing out the best in their teams and embedding a coaching mindset throughout their organisation. However, adopting a coaching approach and growing and developing others can be a challenge in the current climate. This programme supports leaders to build their coaching approach so they can help to develop talent and create an empowering environment while still practising self-care. The programme will include the development of peer coaching groups to offer support and practice their coaching techniques on one another as part of the programme. Delivery method: This programme will be delivered online. Each day of the programme will be a combination of live, facilitated sessions with some self-directed learning and reflection activities. This programme is an opportunity to pause and reflect on your leadership. It will help you to strengthen your coaching approach, gaining greater personal insight, different perspectives and increased self-awareness so you can lead and develop others even more effectively. It is also an opportunity to identify how you can build your resilience and practice self-care as busy leaders. Delivered with an interactive approach, you will work with and learn from peers to explore a range of practical concepts and approaches. This programme relies on the group supporting each other to learn and develop and build a community of established leaders.

To gain the ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring qualification, you will complete the following three assignments:

1. Report: Rationale for Coaching and Mentoring 

Unit 1: Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context

Report on the business rationale for establishing a Coaching and Mentoring strategy

This is a written assignment of approximately 4,000 words that requires you to produce a report for senior leaders in your organisation. The report is intended to support senior leaders to develop their understanding of the role of coaching and mentoring, and its benefits to individuals, teams, and the organisation as a whole. 

Your submission date for this is three calendar months from the end of your programme. 

2. Coaching Practice Portfolio

Unit 2: Undertaking Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context

Portfolio of evidence to demonstrate completion of 18 hours of coaching practice

The portfolio will provide evidence of your coaching activities and your development as a coach. Examples of content include: coaching records, reflective logs, contracting examples, feedback from coachees, evidence of supervision, and personal development planning.

Your submission date for this is nine months from the end of the programme.

3. Reflective CPD Journal

Unit 3: Reviewing Own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context

Professional Development Plan with reflective analysis of your coaching skills

Your journal will include a comprehensive SWOT analysis that examines your coaching with reference to the activities outlined in the coaching practice portfolio. Based on your reflections, you will go on to prepare a PDP, using SMART objectives, that explains how you will develop your coaching practice over the next 12 months.

Your final submission date for this is one year from the end of the programme.

  • Education/training

Date and Time

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31 Bruce Street
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Louise Cahoon


31 Bruce Street



More Information

We are delighted to be offering the ILM Level 5 in Coaching and Mentoring again starting January 2022. This course has been heavily subsidised by Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland, thank you for making this possible. 

Please note this course is for leaders in the third sector only. Contact us if you are unsure if this is you.