Identifying and managing risk

Since lockdown, charities and other not for profit organisations have found themselves having to manage a new way of working: some have had to temporarily close their doors while many others have been able to deliver partial services online or by safely adopting social distancing and protective measures to deliver new or existing services.
Now is the time for all boards to re-assess not only their financial situation but their entire operations to ensure they have an effective management process going forward to help mitigate the risks that their organisation is/may be facing.
Identifying and managing risk webinar
This webinar will be delivered jointly by Nicola O'Neill, Risk Management Consultant at Marsh Ltd and Denise Copeland, Governance & Charity Advice Manager at NICVA. Denise will highlight the key risks that many organisations are facing and suggest practical ways in which they could be managed. Nicola will outline how to update the corporate risk register, including how to re-assess impact on existing risks as well as considering potential new risks.
Book your place here
This webinar is part of the Community Foundation for NI Accelerator Programme. The Accelerator Programme aims to improve the skills and confidence of people in our sector and strengthen organisations at this critical time. NICVA is delivering a series of webinars from September 2020 to March 2021, for more information visit
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