But I was on the pill?

Informing Choices NI

Central Access Point - Early Medical Abortion (EMA)
Early Medical Abortion is now available in Northern Ireland.
You can access EMA via the Central Access Point by phoning Informing Choices NI helpline number: - 028 9031 6100.
Understanding knowledge around Last Menstrual Period helps to inform choice and decision-making.
Informing Choices NI are offering community information sessions (online) that will provide information about the Central Access Point as well as key questions that women and pregnant people will be asked when they contact the helpline.
INFORMATION SESSIONS are opened to parents/carers and anyone who works with families, young people, communities and health-rated care.
- Advice services
- Carers
- Children and families
- Community development
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
- Men
- Women
- Young people
Date and Time
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Ascot House
24-31 Shaftesbury Square
United Kingdom
Contact Details
For further information including registration form, please contact: admin@informingchoicesni.org or 028 9031 6100
More Information
Places for this online information session can be booked quickly; to secure a place, please register your interest at admin@informingchoicesni.org