The Heat or Eat Dilemma with NEA (National Energy Action Northern Ireland) - FREE

The Money Guiders Network Northern Ireland (part of the Money Guiders Network UK) is a networking forum set up by Reed in Partnership on behalf of the Money and Pension Service (MaPS) where all unregulated money guiders (basically anyone who helps support people in our communities across NI with money guidance questions) can get their questions answered.
Each month we hold seminars, training events workshops and pathfinder clinics to help all those at the front line who need assistance getting money guidance questions answered. You can ask any money related question and we will find the answer for you across the Network. Our Network is growing weekly, with no set up costs or obligations to you. Completely FREE service for you to join! All you need to do is sign up to our network to stay informed on the latest money related updates. Join at Money Guiders NI | Giving great money advice in Northern Ireland
National Energy Action (NEA) along with experts from foodbanks across Northern Ireland will be joining the Money Guiders Network event on 18th November 11am - 12 md to offer practical advice on how organisation can support their clients with food and fuel poverty. This one off webinar will offer advice on cost effective measures to support those most effected by the energy crisis as well as what supports are out there if you need to register to a food bank and need further assistance.
- Top tips on reducing energy costs in households
- Heat loss in the home and how to reduce it
- Health impacts of living cold, damp houses
- Sources of advise and assistance including food banks and local services
To join all you need to do is
- Join the Money Guiders Network at the above link Money Guiders NI | Giving great money advice in Northern Ireland
REGISTER NOW: Heat or Eat? A tough question many face this winter Tickets, Thu 18 Nov 2021 at 11:00 | Eventbrite
Feel free to send your questions to
- Advice services
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- Community development
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- Education/training
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- Housing and homelessness
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BT35 6JB
United Kingdom
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