Online / Virtual Seminar Training/Advice Workshop

Free Women, Money & Mental Health Sessions

Kith & Kin Financial Wellbeing Social Enterprise

Kith & Kin Financial Wellbeing - Social Enterprise

Cost: Free
Women, Money & Mental Health
We have been funded to provide Women, Money & Mental Health Sessions for any Community Group based in N.I The session has 3 experts who cover : 1. Financial Advice 2. Menopause 3. Divorce & Separation.

The sessions can be online or face to face

1. Financial Advice on areas which affect Women.
2. Menopause, how to know the symptoms and how to manage the impact
3. Divorce & Separation - a family layer will explain Womens Rights.

We also offer 1-1 advice if any Women would like to talk to an expert privately on any of these areas for 30 mins free of charge.

  • Advice services
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Women

Date and Time

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NICVA Building, 61 Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Contact Sean Bruen 02890 877777 or email