
Free Webinar: Creating/reviewing your charity reserves policy



This is a free event
Maybe you are thinking of reviewing your reserves policy or you don’t have one at all? This Creating/reviewing Reserves policy webinar will take you through some of the common areas that small groups struggle with in relation to their reserves (or lack of).

This one hour webinar funded by The Halifax Foundation for NI will include:

  • What to include in your reserves calculation
  • To designate or not to designate
  • The policy and what it should look like
  • Spending reserves in crisis
  • Do we have any reserves

This session is aimed at the person(s) responsible for the financial management within the organisation i.e. treasurer or finance officer. Templates and guidance will be provided for you to use within your own organisation.

Book your place here


For a full list of upcoming NICVA training, visit our website:

  • nicva training
  • webinar

Date and Time

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Contact Details

Sandra Bailie 

Halifax Foundation for NI