Online / Virtual Training/Advice

Free North Belfast accredited leadership programme



This is a free event
North Belfast
The Transformative Leadership Programme is aimed at people living and working in interface areas in Belfast. Whether you’re a local resident, a local politician or working for a public service in the community, you can join the programme.

You will learn about leadership and collaboration with people from other sectors and backgrounds, all with a focus on local issues.

It's free to take part and it’s accredited at ILM Level 3.

All courses are delivered online using Zoom.


When is it on?

The course is made up of 10 x 2 hour modules, which will be held online on Zoom on 5 Tuesdays on the following dates: 13th April, 20th April, 27th April, 11th May, 18th May. 

Each day will comprise a module in the morning 10am - 12pm and a module in the afternoon 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

A further date is offered on Tues 25th May to provide you with support with your accreditation, and for the course group to meet with Belfast City Council to plan your group project.

In addition, we provide participants with materials for 10 hours of home learning.


How do I sign up?

You can sign up by completing an Expression of Interest form here:   

TLP Expression of Interest Form

We will then contact you to let you know if you have secured a place, and to confirm your course details.

How do I find out more?

To find out more, contact Helen McLaughlin at NICVA. Email: Tel: 028 9087 7777. 


NICVA delivers the programme along with locally based partners across the city: Falls Community Council, West Belfast Partnership Board, East Belfast Community Development Agency and Forward South Partnership.


  • nicva training
  • ILM
  • Transformative Leadership Programme
  • leadership development
  • belfast city council
  • seupb
  • Peace IV

Date and Time

  • -

Contact Details

Helen McLaughlin, Programme Co-ordinator

More Information

Full details and book here: