Outdoor Activity Training/Advice

‘Free To Attend’ Green Therapy Walk Taster Sessions

Positive Steps Outdoors is a social enterprise born out of the vision that connecting people to the natural environment, and each other, helps individuals and teams manage life’s pressures, build sustainable networks, strengthen future resilience and deepen their affinity with the environment.

Positive Steps Outdoors C.I.C.

Cost: Free
Positive Steps Outdoors in collaboration with the National Trust and to mark World Mental Health day on the 10 Oct 23, are excited to offer an autumn programme of free to attend green therapy ‘taster walks’. Walks last for 2 - 3 hours and will take place across several iconic locations, with the chance to engage in Practicing Presence and Stillness facilitated by an experienced counsellor and outdoor therapist. They will provide the ideal opportunity to explore the value of engaging mindfully with the outdoors to promote improved well-being. Places are limited to 8 people per event. You can learn more and register for an event by visiting our Green Therapy Taster Events page - https://www.psocic.com/green-therapy-taster-events-2023.

On each guided walk you will have the chance to reflect, de-stress, connect with others, learn about the history, flora and fauna of the area and better appreciate the local environment. You will also be able to discuss how to design and deliver 'green therapy' walking programmes for your organisation.

These taster sessions are ideal for Health and Well-Being leads considering commissioning green therapy walking programmes to support positive physical and mental health in those they care about. We’d love to see you at one of the events and of course feel free to promote these to the health and well-being leads within your organisation and in partner or corporate sponsor organisations.

  • Health and wellbeing
  • #mentalhealth
  • #greentherapy
  • #outdoortherapy

Date and Time

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Contact Details

Alan Elwood

More Information

You can learn more and register for an event by visiting our Green Therapy Taster Events page.