Faith Engagement event: GROUNDED café


Rather than alleviate poverty, the actions of well-meaning faith initiatives can inadvertently reinforce a lack of self-esteem in those deemed to be ‘poor’. Sometimes we love to play “saviour” or Santa Claus, but this can be so disempowering to those we believe that we are helping. Contrary to what we think and how we act, the poor are not actually helpless; rather, every person has worth and something to give.
Diane Holt has learned that helping can sometimes hurt the people and communities we’re hoping to support. Having worked for Tearfund and now leading ‘Thrive Ireland’ she will share what she has been learning with a few stories that will take us back to basic assumptions and maybe free us to rethink our approach?
Diane is the Director of Thrive Ireland a Christian organisation that sees ‘Church | Community | Transformation from a global perspective and seeks to enable churches to look at missional development through a new lens.
Click here to book your place
The event is free and open to all faith-based groups and projects.
For more information on NICVA faith engagement project, visit our website here.
Date and Time
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