Exhibition - Street View: Yan Wang Preston

Belfast Exposed

Belfast Exposed’s Street View presents Yan Wang Preston’s three bodies of work produced in the last decade, for which she explores ideas around landscape photography, identity and the environment through epic journeys across both time and space. The exhibition explores the politics of landscape representation and its association with national identities, nature, and the environment. This exhibition, and also Aeon by Marcel Rickli showcased in Gallery 1, are underpinned by a concern and reverence for the environment and demonstrates Belfast Exposed's commitment to show work that focuses on and highlights environmental issues.
The exhibition showcases three separate series from her earlier performance work, Hé – River Together, in which she touched and swam in the Yangtze River in China in order to have a bodily connection with her motherland. It then reviews her acclaimed project Mother River, for which she photographed the entire 6,211km Yangtze River at precise 100km intervals on a large-format plate camera. Finally, the exhibition tells the tree stories from her award-winning work: Forest which traces the journey of transplanted old trees in China while investigating the complexity of urban nature.
- Arts
- Health and wellbeing