
Elder Abuse: Are We Listening? Working together to hear the voice of older people


Hourglass (formerly Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland)

Cost: £36 plus VAT for AEA members £45 plus VAT for non members
Elder Abuse: Are We Listening
This 1 day conference will explore how we work with older victims of abuse to ensure we hear and learn from their experiences to improve prevention, protection and prosecution.

AEA Northern Ireland invites you to our 3rd annual conference Elder Abuse: Are We Listening?

Following our two previous successful conferences on financial abuse and domestic abuse of older people, we are delighted to bring you details of our 3rd national conference which will take place on Thursday 28th February 2019 in Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey. 

Elder abuse is a reality for too many older people in Northern Ireland, yet it remains vastly under reported and largely hidden.  When victims do come forward they are often undermined, not believed, or the abuse is minimized or explained away.  They rarely receive the justice they deserve.  This 1 day conference will explore how we can listen to older people who have been victims of abuse to hear the reality of the experience, and then work together to improve prevention and support.

Programme includes:

Professor John Williams, Aberystwyth University

Legislating to protect? How Northern Ireland can learn from the varying approaches to adult protection across the UK

Dr. Lorna Montgomery, Lecturer in Social Work Queen's University Belfast

Listening to the experiences of older victims in the safeguarding process – what can we learn from research?

Master Hilary Wells, High Court (Care and Protection)

Protecting adults with incapacity - learning lessons and looking to the future.

Geoffrey Layland, AEA Northern Ireland Service User

My mother was the victim of financial abuse - who should have been listening to her?

Deborah Hanlon, Head of Service for Adult Safeguarding, Southern Health and Social Care Trust

10,000 Voices – Innovation in listening and responding to service users and families

Brendan McGuigan, Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspectorate for Northern Ireland

Is the Criminal Justice system in Northern Ireland listening to the victims of elder abuse?

Veronica Gray, Director, AEA Northern Ireland

We listened. We heard. We have more work to do.

An overview of findings from the Northern Ireland Helpline, case work service, and findings from our public survey with older people.


  • Lobbying/policy
  • Older people

Date and Time

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Mossley Mill
Carnmoney Road North
BT36 5QA
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland

