Duty of Candour & Being Open DoH Public Consultation - NICVA Information Event


The Department of Health recently launched a 16 week consultation on draft policy proposals for the statutory Duty of Candour and a Being Open Framework for Health and Social Care (HSC).
The aim of this engagement event is to further inform VCS organisations about these policy proposals and how they can best respond to the public consultation.
Joining us at this event will be staff from the Dept of Health and Quintin Oliver, Chair of The Duty of Candour Workstream, who have been responsible for developing the proposal options to address the recommendations on candour. They shall explain the background to the policy proposals, share information to help support organisations to respond to the consultation, and answer any immediate questions representatives may have on the draft policy proposals.
10.00 Introduction from Event Chair - Geoff Nuttall, Head of Policy & Public Affairs, NICVA
10.05 Background on the IHRD programme and public consultation (inc advice on responding) – Quintin Oliver, Chair of The DOC Workstream & DoH reps
10.25 Q&A
10.45 Final remarks and close
How To Register
This event will be delivered online using the Zoom platform. You will receive log in details in advance of the event once you register.
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