CPD Certified training course - Recruiting People with Convictions in Northern Ireland

NIACRO has been supporting people with convictions for over 50 years, and we know that securing employment or employment-related training greatly helps to reduce reoffending and build positive futures. We also know that employers are often concerned about employing people with convictions.
This 2-hour training course is designed to assist employers to develop safe, fair, and consistent recruitment practices and to develop a better understanding of what having a conviction means when it comes to employment. It will help them to ensure compliance with legislative requirements, assess risks, dispel myths concerning people with convictions, and enable employers to make informed decisions when deciding whether to employ people with convictions.
This training has been approved by the CPD Certification Service. It has been designed and is delivered by NIACRO's Disclosure specialist advisors with acute front-end experience in supporting people with convictions and advising and training employers across all industry sectors.
Specifically, participants will learn;
- The difference between a conviction and a criminal record
- When to apply different types of AccessNI checks and how to interpret the information disclosed
- Rehabilitation periods for different types of convictions
- Best practice recruitment to support people with convictions into employment
Thursday 10th August 10.30-1.00 in NIACRO offices, Carlton Street, Portadown.
Thursday 17th August 10.30-1.00 online
Email disclosure@niacro.co.uk to book your place.
Cost: £80 per person including CPD certification.
Further training dates are scheduled throughout the year and group bookings with online and in-person are also available. Contact us for further information.
- Advice services
- Education/training
- Men
- Women
Date and Time
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Amelia House
4 Amelia Street
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Andrea Moreland
Senior Practitioner Disclosure