
Covering a Level 5 post in School Age Childcare: what you need to know (Western area)

Leading The Play Agenda

PlayBoard NI

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Free training for School Age Childcare providers in the Western Health & Social Care Trust and Western Childcare Partnership area.

A number of School Age Childcare settings are currently struggling to recruit a Leader and/or Deputy Leader’s post. As an interim measure, WHSCT may permit another member of staff (usually qualified at QCF Level 3) to act up in the role temporarily. This FREE training will provide information on the key management aspects of that role to help those Level 3 staff fulfil the duties of a Leader/Deputy more effectively.

This training is also available to anyone currently qualified at Level 3 who may be considering undertaking Level 5 in the near future.

Training facilitator: Richard McMeekin.

The training takes place across three sessions - you are advised to attend all three sessions:

  • Tuesday 15 March 2022
  • Tuesday 22 March 2022
  • Tuesday 29 March 2022

Session timings:

  • 6:30 - 7:00pm - registration (tea/coffee and sandwiches provided)
  • 7:00 - 8:45pm - session delivery

* Training will be delivered face-to-face, Covid-19 guidance permitting.

** This training is open to School Age Childcare providers based in the Western Health & Social Care Trust and Western Childcare Partnership area ONLY.

For further information and to book go to 

  • Children and families

Date and Time

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White Horse Hotel
68 Clooney Road
BT47 3PA
United Kingdom

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