Children's Services Review Engagement Workshop - Care Experienced Adults

Voice of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

Earlier this year, the Department of Health announced a Review of how social care services for children and families are delivered in Northern Ireland. The Review is led by Professor Ray Jones, and supported by a professional Advisory Panel.
It is really important that the review hears from those with experience of these services. In April 2022, VOYPIC established the Experts by Experience Reference Group, made up of over twenty young people from across Northern Ireland with lived experience of the services being reviewed.
But, the Review needs to hear as wide a range of voices as possible!
We want the Review to hear from care experienced adults.
This means any adult, over 25 years old, who has experience of care, including foster care, kinship care, children’s homes, and/or living at home on a Care Order.
We want to hear about your experiences of care and leaving care, how this can be improved for young people today.
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- Children and families
Date and Time
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Dunsilly Hotel
BT41 2JH
United Kingdom
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