Charity Singles Dinner - Belfast

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
Want to meet other single people AND enjoy delicious food whilst you do? Then this is the event for you!
The event will work like this. Guests will sit at tables of 6 (3 girls facing 3 guys) and will chat with each other for the duration of their meal. At the end of each course, the guys switch to the next table whilst the girls remain where they are. Over the course of the 3 meals, you will get to chat to 9 people.
After we finish the 3 course meal, we will then go on to another bar nearby for drinks. This will allow everyone to mix so that you will get the opportunity to mix and mingle with everyone there.
There are 50 places available - 25 for girls, 25 for guys and the the cost of this event is £30 per person.
50% of the money raised will go to Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
For more details, call/text Paul on 078 572 40348 or visit
Date and Time
Chopin Grand Cafe
St Anne's Square
United Kingdom