Fundraiser Outdoor Activity

The Bog Run 2023

Cancer Fund for Children

Cancer Fund for Children

Cost: Reg: £20-£30 | Sponsorship: £50-£100
The Bog Run 2023
The Bog Run is back on Sunday 15th October at Castlewellan Forest Park and it is going to be bigger and boggier than ever. Join us for the muddiest 5k around and get stuck in to challenging yourself against nature in support of children and young people impacted by cancer.

The Bog Run is back, and it’s bigger and boggier than ever! Let's get boggin'!

We want you to join us this October and get stuck in to help ensure no child has to face cancer alone. Whether you join our adult Bog Run course open to those 12 years and over (12-17 years olds must be accompanied by an adult), or challenge yourself against our brand new junior course open to 8-15 year olds with an accompanying adult (maximum 2 children per adult), it is time to get boggin’ this October to support children and young people impacted by cancer.

The Bog Run is not a race, but more an opportunity to challenge yourself against nature. It is a 5k route through thick forest, delightful swampy bog and, maybe, there just might be a lake involved somewhere (the lake is part of the adult event only).

You will climb over fallen trees, crawl through bushes, get muddy and have amazing craic while challenging yourself for a good cause. Make sure to get your friends involved!

Welcoming people of all fitness levels, our bog-tastic course is designed to be daring, not intimidating! So, whether you want to trot, jog or run, we’re happy to welcome you to the starting line. The important thing is to enjoy yourself, so go at your own pace!

Read our full list of FAQ's and sign up today at


Registration Fees & Sponsorship


(open to 8-15 year olds with accompanying adult aged 18+ – max 2 children per adult)

1 Adult, 1 Child: £20 reg fee | £50 sponsorship

1 Adult, 2 Children: £25 reg fee | £100 sponsorship



(open to those aged 12 years and over, and 12-17 year olds must be accompanied by an adult aged 18+)

12-17 year olds: £25pp reg fee | £80pp sponsorship

18 years +: £30pp reg fee | £100pp sponsorship


Group registration discounts for teams of 4 or more! Please get in touch with us to secure a discount code on 028 9080 5599 or email

Please note, we will not accept on the day registrations. All participants must be registered online no later than 1pm on Thursday 12th October 2023. Registration will close before this if we reach event capacity.


For 2023, we are also welcoming special prizes! Be in with a chance to win by:

Having the biggest Bog Run team – Go big or go home! Get recruiting your boggers today.

Having the best fancy dress costume – Halloween is only round the corner after all, get creative!

Reaching your sponsorship target by event day – Everyone who reaches their sponsorship target no later than event day will be automatically entered into a prize draw.

  • Children and families
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Young people

Date and Time

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Castlewellan Forest Park
BT31 9BU
United Kingdom

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