Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop

Body Dysmorphia: At War with Our Body

SRH Counselling Services

Cost: £30
Body dysmorphia
Sunday 9th May 2021 2.30-5.30pm The pressure to be perfect, to design and sculpt our bodies into someone other than ourselves has never been greater. Social media has created the impossibility of being unseen and so fuels the comparison between self and others on a global scale. Explored from a Psychodynamic perspective we will examine the relationship we have with our bodies and how this relationship mirrors our sense of self and is used to measure and determine our self-worth.

The pressure to be perfect, to design and sculpt our bodies into someone other than ourselves has never been greater. Social media has created the impossibility of being unseen and so fuels the comparison between self and others on a global scale.

Explored from a Psychodynamic perspective we will examine the relationship we have with our bodies and how this relationship mirrors our sense of self and is used to measure and determine our self-worth.

Susan Harvey has been a praticising counsellor for 23 years and works with children, teens, adults, couples and families. Susan is also an experienced supervisor and lecturer. Cost £30 for all zoom workshops (Concessions apply)

Please contact Susan Harvey for more information at

  • CPD
  • 'counselling'

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Holiday inn University St
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