Belvoir Creative Arts Festival (7-9th June 2019)

Belvoir Parish Church of Ireland
Press Release – Belvoir Parish Creative Arts Weekend 7-9th June 2019
“The world is charged with the grandeur of God”; an idea expressed by Gerard Manly Hopkins, in his poem by that name, but it is surely evident to all who look around, who listen, who smell, touch and taste. The world is indeed a wondrous environment. In recognition of that Belvoir Parish is organising a Festival of Creative Arts, a celebration of beauty and wonder from 7th to 9th of June.
Friday 7th June at 7.30pm – a worship concert led by Robin Mark and band. Robin’s songs and lyrics are known and loved across this land and beyond.
Saturday 8th June from 10.00am to 3.00pm – Belvoir Craft and Food Fair.
Some of the lovely Stallholders are:
The Lighthouse Drawing Rooms @lighthousecards Hand painted cards, personalised keepsake gift frames for all occasions
Lisette Watson Ceramics @Lisette-Watson-Ceramics-130020717711767/ Bowls, platters, jugs and ceramic jewellery
Table Cinnamon Granola and Hot food – Burritos and BBQ Chicken/Jackfruit
Artwork by Lyn @LynsArtWork Acrylic, watercolour, pastel paintings, pen and ink
The Quirky Flamingo @TheQuirkyFlamingoCo Handmade jewellery made from hand pressed dried flowers
Crème de la Patisserie @cremedelapatisserie French Macaroons and Tartlets
The Squirrels Workshop @thesquirrelsworkshopni Bespoke items created from reclaimed wood - birdhouses, planters and photo blocks
Janpots Nstuff @Janpots-Nstuff-945510905494003 Painted glassware & pots
The Honey Pot @mobilephonecharms Keyrings, door toppers, lanyards, door hangars, roadsigns decoupage
Little Bow Geek @LittleBowGeek Handmade hair accessories
Linsay’s Quirky Crafts @Linsays-Quirky-Crafts-187811568444787 Hand painted mdf crafts
Belfast Candle Co @belfastcandlecompany Candles, melts, diffusers, room sprays, body lotion, liquid soap, electric warmers
Everything is created locally and can be viewed, tasted, touched and purchased. There will also be a demonstration of flower arranging, our first attempt at a workshop experience. Sunday 9th June 11.00am – a celebration of Pentecost, the festival that remembers the outpouring of the Spirit of God, the source of all things creative and artistic. Robin Mark will be teaching on this subject at this service. Dress code: casual and/or creative!
Belvoir Church of Ireland (opposite Newtownbreda Tesco on the ring road) is a developing community of faith, embracing a style of worship and discipleship that is creative, involving theatre, writing, art, crafts, music, dance... The church through the centuries has often expressed the beauty and wonder of God in its architecture, its words, its art and its music. We are trying to rediscover some of this in a contemporary setting.