Belfast Recovery College - Personal Independence Payments: How to claim and how to appeal (In Partnership with EBIAC)

Belfast Recovery College
Are you or someone you care for in receipt of Employment Support Allowance? Have
you claimed this benefit and been turned down? Are you considering a claim for this
benefit? Are you aware of what Universal Credit involves? Do you know how it will
affect Employment Support Allowance?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions and you would like to know more
about these benefits then this course is for you. There have been many changes
to benefits in recent years leaving everyone confused. This course will explain the
criteria of entitlement to these benefits, the process for claiming and the appeals
process if you are turned down. It will also outline the support that is available from
advice services. (Duration of course: 2 hrs)
This course is free of charge.
If you'd like to attend download the enrolment form below, fill it in and send it back to us either by email or post to us, using the contact details below.
- Advice services
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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Belfast Recovery College, Lanyon Building, 10 North Derby Street.
BT15 3HL
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Belfast Recovery College
Lanyon Building
10 North Derby Street
BT15 3HL